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Validar CPF facilmente em Kotlin

NL;NL Desenvolvi a biblioteca SimpleCPFValidator para facilitar validações de CPF em Kotlin. Olá, Kotliners! Todo novo cadastro de usuário em todo aplicativo segue sempre o mesmo padrão. Pedimos nome, data de nascimento e CPF de nossos queridos usuários quase que rotineiramente. Quem já brincou de validar CPF sabe que é uma chatice contar todos os…

Writing reusable tests with Kotest’s Test Factory

TL;DR – How to use Kotest 4.0.0 new Test Factory feature to include reusable blocks of test in your test suite Hello, Kotliners! In this article we’ll see how to use a feature from the Kotest Framework to create reusable tests in your test suite, for cases in which you test multiple classes exactly the…

Handling fixed-length files using a Kotlin DSL

TL;DR – Fixed Length files can be troublesome to handle, and even more troublesome when there are multiple kinds of records on the lines. To solve this, we’ll use Guiabolso’s fixed length file handler, a library designed just for this purpose. Hello Kotliners! In this article we will see a little bit on how to…

Testing Koin applications with Kotest

TL;DR – Using the KoinListener from Kotest to write tests that depend on Koin modules in a Kotest Spec Hello, Kotliners! In this article we will see how to test applications that use the Koin DI Framework in a Spec from the Kotest Framework. We’ll take the JUnit example from Koin’s documentation and enhance it…